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Telephone Us On 0208 549 8000


About our Therapist

Olenka works well with those who are dealing with stress, have suffered from migraines & headaches, and anyone who has dealt with emotional trauma they would like relief from.

Description of Treatment

Based on the same energy points as acupuncture, Reiki is a natural and non-invasive relaxation technique. It is designed to encourage the body to promote healing on an emotional, physical and spiritual level. It Allows us to release any lodged energy that has been kept within us over time, through any type of trauma we may have endured.

What to expect?

Olenka will talk for about 10 mins, where you’ll be able to understand how Reiki Healing works and it’s importance in our every day lives. We will then have 35 minutes to relax with reiki,  finishing off with some time to bring our awareness to what we have just experienced.

You’ll be fully clothed and can either lay down or sit up during your treat. This is a great opportunity to unwind from a stressful week, to bring harmony and balance back into your emotional and physical state.

Reiki is commonly associated with the laying on of hands, though actual touch is not always required, I may lightly touch the body or remain 1 – 5 inches away from the surface of the skin.


Please call 0208 549 8000 to make an appointment with Olenka.

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