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What is Counselling?

Counselling is a talking therapy which aims to help individuals and couples to deal with specific life issues. Counselling can help with life crises or the ordinary problems of living and may be short term over a few sessions or longer term depending on the needs of the individual client.

Kingston Natural Health counselling

What’s it good for?

Consellling is recommended for the following symptoms:
abuse, addictions, anxiety, DepressionEmotional Problems, identity, loss & bereavement, life transitions, low self esteem, Habit Changing, relationships, stress.

What can I expect from Counelling at Kingston Natural Health Centre?

At the first appointment your counsellor will discuss with you the reasons why you have come for therapy and what you can expect from it. You will have explained to you the process and the confidentiality agreement. You will have the opportunity to ask any questions and to agree the number and frequency of further sessions. Sessions last one hour are usually weekly for an agreed duration which may be short term, 4 – 6 sessions or longer term depending on the needs of the individual client.

Our Therapists
Jayne Ritchie
Helen Rennie
Tamsin Marriott
Ricky Brown
Stephanie Taylor

Make an Appointment

If you feel that Counselling is for you and want to book a session please call 0208 549 8000. You can also check our Therapists own pages for their individual availability.

More about Counselling

There are many different therapies that can be used by counsellors, some involve looking at past relationships and experiences to make sense of them, and others involve looking at the ‘here and now’. Research shows that the main factor determining the success of the therapy is not the technique used, but the relationship between the client and the counsellor.

Sometimes we all need to talk to someone outside our family and social circle about an issue impacting on our lives and all counsellors are trained to listen and are bound by a Code of Ethics which includes confidentiality.treatment of impotence

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