Healin Crisis With Serge Tampakakis And Kingston Natural Health Centre

Understanding a Healing Crisis, part 1

Our latest blog is written by Kingston Natural Health Centre’s Raynor and Deep Tissue Massage Therapist Serge Tampakakis.

Newsletter I – August 2012: Understanding a Healing Crisis, part 1

Hi everyone, I hope you are all doing well. This is the first Therapia Newsletter, I hope you enjoy reading it. Please let me know your thoughts on this and any topics you would like me to cover. I thought it would be beneficial to dedicate the first Therapia Newsletter to the ‘healing crisis’. Many Raynor Therapy clients go through a ‘healing crisis’ after deep tissue treatment, but also during/after a detox/diet plan or after any other kind of deep body work, such as Yoga. By ‘healing crisis’ I mean the body’s natural response to these treatments/bodywork by the removal of tension, toxins and by cell regeneration.

At times, this process can be rather uncomfortable and inconvenient, but it is important to understand why it occurs, and how it helps us to move towards better well-being and to restore our body’s natural abilities to heal. In the first part of the article, I will explain how our immune system can get compromised, and will explore the difference between Health and Disease and also look at defining what toxins are and how they can affect body and mind. If you have any questions or comments, please let me know.

In order to gain a better understanding of what a healing crisis is and how it can affect us, we need to spend some time looking at core areas first : The Immune System, Health and Disease, and Toxins. Our next blog we will look into these three core areas in more detail.
Until next time, Namaste, Serge
 If you would like to know more about the treatments Serge Tampakakis offers, call us on 0208 549 8000