Healing Crisis With Serge Tampakakis At Kingston Natural Health Centre

Understanding a Healing Crisis, part 2

Yesterday we had part 1 of Understanding a Healing Crisis by Kingston Natural Health Centre’s Raynor and Deep Tissue Massage Therapist Serge Tampakakis.

Today we give you the second and final part:

In order to gain a better understanding of what a healing crisis is and how it can affect us, we need to spend some time looking at core areas first :Today we are going to look at : The Immune System, Health and Disease, and Toxins so we can understand what a healing crisis is:

The Immune System

The immune system is our body’s natural defense mechanism. It protects us from disease, toxins, and our own damaged cells (that can turn abnormal or cancerous). The immune system consists of billions of cells and molecules that are distributed throughout our bodies. The main cells of the immune system are the white cells, specialized protein molecules and complements.

There are several different types of white cells, each with specific tasks; for example, to patrol the blood stream seeking foreign molecules, producing anti-bodies, or destroying or disabling invading cells.

The immune system is working in a natural way, protecting us from disease and degeneration. However, once the immune system is compromised (e.g. lack of resistance due to constant exposure to antibiotics, poor diet, poor exercise regimes, and stress etc.) then we become prone to infections and injuries.

Health & Disease

Good health does not just signify the absence of disease, pain or discomfort, but more significantly shows a holistic state of well-being, including health on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. On the other hand, disease is defined by any type of deviation, interruption or malfunction of any part of the body, on a cellular, tissue or organ level that is manifested by a certain set of symptoms or characteristics. The etiology and the pathology of disease could be on a biological (e.g. a virus), on an emotional (e.g. loss, fear, anger) or on a mental basis (e.g. stress, anxiety).


Toxins have been the centre of attention for many holistic practices, including Raynor Massage. Toxins are biological organisms, metabolic waste (e.g. damaged or dead cells as part of our body’s continuous renewal process) environmental pollutants, food additives and contaminants, as well as, excessive consumption of dietary fat, sugar and protein. It is impossible to avoid having any toxins in our bodies; We are constantly surrounded by microorganisms, and exposed to pollution and chemicals (from household products to aluminum infused deodorants), and our sources of food are nutritionally depleted or overly-processed. In addition, stress, anxiety, sleep deprivation, lack of exercise, all can contribute to the levels of toxicity in the body. Fortunately, our bodies developed to deal with these kind of problems; neutralizing and/or eliminating these substances is part of our body’s normal function. The immune system, kidneys, liver and other organs work together in order to remove harmful toxins from the body. However, this ‘clean up’ process does not always happen as effectively as the body may need. Our diet, lifestyle, emotional state, can either support the cleansing process or slow it down. When toxins accumulate, or are created faster than can be eliminated, then the toxic accumulations create the perfect environment for disease. 

How does this relate to muscle tension and body work?

Pathogenic invaders and toxins are trapped in our bodies, especially around tension and knotted muscle tissue. This is a result of poor blood circulation as the blood flow is compromised around these areas. Consequently, the muscle is deprived from nutrients and oxygen, it becomes dehydrated and the knots and lumps become harder and, over time, more painful. Range of movement, flexibility and muscle strength are also compromised creating extra pressure on the area. As a result, the body tries to rebalance and compensate for this by altering posture and/or the way we walk, move, lift, sit or even sleep. These changes (e.g. walking on the heel of the foot to avoid pain on the calf muscles) create more challenges for the myosceletal system, over-working specific areas, weakening others, and creating more tension overall.
The way to achieve and maintain good health is to help the body neutralize and remove toxins. This could include improving diet, exercise, removing one’s self from ‘toxic’/ stressful environments, working on a better response to ‘harmful’ situations, improving sleeping patterns, and using holistic methods to improve health (e.g. homeopathy, deep tissue/remedial massage therapy, yoga, reflexology etc.). The above methods can induce a sudden elimination of the accumulated ‘old waste’ from the body , which is called ‘ a healing crisis’.
In the next newsletter (June 2012) will explain in more detail what a healing crisis is, how it affects our bodies, why is it significant for our health and most importantly how to cope during a healing crisis.
• Fife, Bruce, (2010), The Healing Crisis, (3rd ed.), Piccadilly Books, Ltd., USA.
• Ross, Kirsten, (2008), What to Do in a Healing Crisis, cited at www.naturaltherapypages.com.au
• Wilson, Lawrence (2010), Deep Healing Vs Symptom Removal, cited at http://www.drlwilson.com/
• Raynor Massage Therapy Course Book.

Until next time, Namaste, Serge
 If you would like to know more about the treatments Serge Tampakakis offers, call us on 0208 549 8000