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Are you feeling the effects of a stressful, busy and somewhat fast-paced festive season?  Do you want to relax and enjoy the festivities without suffering from aches, pains, headaches and a general “low”?

Reiki is a Japanese technique, developed in 1922 by the Buddhist Usui Mikao, and has been effective in reducing stress levels and promoting relaxation and healing by a traditional “laying on of the hands” method.  In fact, many practitioners don’t actually lay their hands on at all – rather they hold them some 8-10cm above your body and rediret the negative flows of energy that give you the feelings of being down and generally unwell.

Our life force energy is unseen – but it can have a negative effect on us when the going gets tough.  Think of it like this : if you’re LOW you are susceptible to sickness, pain, bad moods and tension.  If you’re HIGH you have a tendency to feel happy, healthy and positive.  Makes sense, right?

Reiki treats the whole person – simply, naturally and safely by balancing the healing processes that our bodies are sometimes incapable of doing all by themselves.  And this is a stressful time of year – who doesn’t want to induce peace, wellbeing, clarity and relaxation?

As an added bonus, Reiki is a practice that can be undertaken in conjunction with traditional medicine AND other alternative therapies.  It is believed to have been effective in helping many illnesses and afflictions throughout its existence and acceptance in the modern world.

So if you’re suffering from minor aches, anxiety, pains, tension, headaches, skin conditions or digestive problems, Reiki could be the answer you’re looking for.  Why not come along to Kingston Natural Health Centre and meet our therapists who offer Reiki on a regular basis – Helen Rennie, Sarah Jane Dennis, Greg Silcock, Ellen Ley, Val Woolley, Karen Bauen and Renata Ostrowska.

If you would like to know more about Reiki or any of our practitioners you can visit the website or call us on 02085498000.


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