Inflammation is the body's way of fighting against things that harm it, such as infections,…

Trust and Truth
‘Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are’. This proverb says that your current friends are a reflection of you, and of your choice. Family also play a big part in the formation of your personality. From the earliest times I can remember, my mother always had stories whose basic message was trust no one, based on her life experiences. The proverb may have some truth but since I interacted with Reconnective Healing frequencies (RH), I have changed considerably, dare I say evolved, and in my evolvement I strive not to see separation but inclusion. Therefore I chose not to discard my old friends but embrace new ones and treat the old with understanding, for there is light in all of us. According to a renowned spiritual leader – ‘Living here, we have become firmly rooted in old paradigms and ideas instead of in a higher, expanding consciousness. If we allow our ideas to change and ‘open the box’ [ which is one mathematical description of our reality] , we can progress into areas of greater and greater Divine Existence’. – The Overself Awakening – JJ Hurtak, Pg 7
Many of my friends have not embraced the RH philosophy but that is not a reason for the end of a friendship. Our differences are a source of strength for me, trying not to judge and when I do become aware of judging, then self-correcting, being patient, and compassionate.
Buying and selling a house is said to be one of the most stressful times in one’s life and it was for me to a limited extent but I didn’t allow it to get out of hand. It also brought me huge benefits in lessons of being able to trust the Universe and be open to all possibilities. Selling my house was certainly very challenging and took over 1 and half years. The house was modern, I had it from new, 10 years old, in excellent decorative condition with a landscaped garden. The trouble was that it was near a busy road. It was always my plan to sell after 10 years, make a profit and downsize to something more suitable to my needs. And so I took out a loan for 10 years with the intention of getting a quick sale before moving on.
Many potential buyers cited road noise even though the house was well insulated. My friends suspected that they wanted the house cheaply, some said buyers would knock me down to the lowest price, buy, then resell the house. Some said that you can’t trust estate agents, they were not doing a good job. They had a hidden agenda, even a conspiracy between agents and potential buyers and would make a huge profit once I sold at rock bottom prices.
Hurtak advises that in addition to reading his book which is based on the Keys of Enoch – ‘To unlock the teachings of the heavens, you must also do your work. Maintain your respect for a loving Godhead, dedicate yourself to help humanity, keep your thoughts positive and use higher insights– Pg 18 _ JJ Hurtak – The Overself Awakening.’ . I kept my thoughts positive, served humanity by facilitating RH sessions and being a Samaritan, and tried to see the good in those I interacted with. In the end I had one offer which meant the House was reduced by 16% before it was finally sold.
In searching for a new home, The Universe taught me a great lesson to trust and let go – I found someone who had also been trying to sell her place for sometime and who subsequently reduced her prices by 15 %. So in the grand scheme of things between selling and buying not much was lost. The maisonette is situated in an ideal location, quiet , with good vibrations. She was an elderly lady who had lived there for 45 years, lost her husband 2 years earlier and did not want to leave. However, she was struggling to live on her own. There were many avoidable delays before completion, some friends thought they were delaying tactics to avoid the inevitable. This afforded many opportunities to practise what I preached – empathy, compassion, understanding, patience. Many friends and family wanted me to take firm action against her but my compassion helped me to
see it through. Instead of adding to her worries or walking away I went to help her sort out her loft and partially clear it out. I told her not to worry, she could leave anything she could not handle.
The stress was beginning to affect her health. She found out that I was an RH practitioner and referred to me as a healer even after I corrected her. Because of that she thought that I would have great understanding and empathy. Some cynics thought that she was abusing my good nature to further her ends but I could never put pressure on an 85 year old even though I was constantly reminded by others that business is business. This is not to say that I did not have doubts – for I am just a novice in spiritual matters. At the end, we sealed the deal, parted in peace and she gifted me a large amount of valuable items.
I leave you, the reader, with this very apt extract. According to a recent Kryon channel, ‘The energy (including RH) in this new paradigm is more commensurate to a gentle awakening of ‘truth’. Question childhood information. If you awaken from a truth that was given to you by a parent, teacher, etc, it is almost like a betrayal to challenge it. Those who gave you the information gave it with the greatest of integrity and love they had at the time. Reprogram the subconscious with a truth that will make you light. An awakening to higher consciousness – the truth of compassion, the value of how you treat each other. – Kryon channel by Lee Carrol. Aug 2018, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Blog by Noel Denny our Recollective Healing practitioner. If you would like to know more about Reconnective Healing please call the centre on 0208549800 or visit Noel’s website