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Time for a change? We’re here to help.

Would you like to make some positive mental or physical changes in your life?  If you would then we can help you achieve this with our all natural therapies.

Next week in the centre we have the following available for you:

Monday 8th April 

Food and allergy testing, nutrition advice with Cathy Foley 
Acupuncture with Erwen Zhou  
Chinese herbal medicine with Erwen Zhou 
Neuro Linguistic Programming with Emily Harbrecht
Counselling with Emily Harbrecht
Hypnotherapy with Emily Harbrecht

Tuesday 9th
Colonic hydrotherapy with Enrida Kelly 
Acupuncture (including IVF, fertility and pregnancy oriented) with Victoria Busk 
Reflexology with Victoria Busk
Sports Massage with Jambaal Jeng 
Back and neck pain relief  with Jambaal Jeng
Visceral Manipulation with Jambaal Jeng
Myofascial Release with Jambaal Jeng
Swedish Massage with Hilary Insall
Remedial Massage with Hilary Insall 
Lymphatic Drainage with Hilary Insall

Wednesday 10th
Colonic Hydrotherapy with Enrida Kelly
Acupuncture (including IVF, fertility and pregnancy oriented) with Victoria Busk 
Reflexology with Victoria Busk
Life and career coaching with Norbert Hennemann 
Weight Loss Coaching with Norbert Hennemann
Osteopathy with Gillian Lonsdale 
Cranial Osteopathy with Gillian Lonsdale
Naturopathy with Gillian Lonsdale
Homeopathy with Shauna Estrada
Slimming Massage ,Better than Lipo with Hayat el Hamri

Thursday 11th
Reconnective healing with Hilal Yildirim 
Reiki with Hilal Yildirim
Sports Massage with Jambaal Jeng 
Back and neck pain relief  with Jambaal Jeng
Visceral Manipulation with Jambaal Jeng
Myofascial Release with Jambaal Jeng
Deep Tissue Massage with Serge Tampakakis
Raynor Massages with Serge Tampakakis 
Kinesio Taping with Serge Tampakakis

Friday 12th
Counselling with Dr Joyanne MacInnes
Colonic Hydrotheray with Mandy Jones
Sports Massage with Jambaal Jeng
Myofascial Release with Jambaal Jeng
Colonic Hydrotherapy with Buki Onabolu 

Saturday 13th 
Physiotherapy with Ravi Shanker
Counselling with Phil Hartland
Better than lipo Slimming Massage with Hayat el Hamri
Chiropractics with Robert LLoyd
Cognitive, Behavioural, Psychodynamic Therapy with Martyn Signold
Colonic Hydrotherapy with Mandy Jones 

If you would like to know any more about any of our therapies or would like to book an appointment please call us on 02085498000 or email




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